Friday, March 13, 2015


Man squatting beside a dumpster.
Lately, I’ve been feeling hungry.  Because you know me, you’re probably thinking that I’m hungry for all of my favorite foods from back home. While those wouldn’t be all bad, I have to tell you: it’s not my stomach that’s hungry.  It’s my eyes.  
This week my eyes have been hungering for beauty.  So much of the scenery and landscapes that surround my everyday life here in Honduras are not what the world would consider beautiful.  All around me are broken down cars and broken down people, garbage strewn streets, and dust covered dwellings.  Banana peels mysteriously appear on the roof outside my window, graffiti cries out its warnings, and charred tree stumps speak of desperation.

Emily listening to Doña Tomasa at church
So, today I started to ask God to show me beauty.  Don’t get me wrong; I definitely see the beauty in the faces of the people all around me, in the colorful produce at the markets, and in the flowers, sun, and mountains.  But, somehow, it doesn’t satisfy my hunger.  I want my eyes to be saturated, for these thumbnails of beauty to be transformed into panoramic views!  And, I want to see with the eyes of my heart, too, to see the beauty that is within.  Please pray with me that my eyes and heart may be filled to overflowing with beauty, and that God would transform for me the meaning of beauty to include so much more that what I am currently sensing.  

Sunset over the mountains near Tegucigalpa
First grade teacher, Melissa, patiently loving a challenging student.

God faithfully reminding us of his promises!

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